My passengers posing in front of the most photographed hotel in the world.

Three Days, Five People in Quebec City on a Budget

What do you do when you’re dying to visit Europe, but don’t have a large budget to spend on five people? Would you take out your credit card and charge the expense? Or do you try and expand the budget? The answer is neither,  you should think of a viable …

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Family Vacation
Saving ideas

How She Finally Managed to Save for Her Family Vacation

The following is brought to you by Emma Lewis– a loving mother, a devoted wife and a part of the team supporting Spacer – the AirBnb of storage space. Emma is also a staunch supporter of the sharing economy and often mentions its benefits. She lives and works in the …

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Why successful people kill themselves

Why Would Successful People Commit Suicide?

You’ve seen it in the news, especially during an economic depression. A man loses his job, gets into a big pile of debt, runs out of options, and then kills himself. In more tragic cases, he takes his whole family with him. If you think having a job is stressful, …

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what frugal people think about organic foods

What Frugal People Think About Organic Food

The labeling term “Organic” refers to accredited methods agricultural products are grown and processed. Regulations vary from country to country, but in general, organic crops must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, or fertilizers from municipal sewage… Eew! Organic food is not defined …

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Jaw dropping retirement facts

12 Jaw-Dropping Stats About Retirement

Below is a guest post from Archana Singh, a finance blogger from the Mystic Land of India. Archana works for one of the leading insurance and web aggregator in the country. Even if you don’t live there, you’ll quickly learn that retirement challenges are fundamentally the same; circumstances could devour …

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Wealth By Virtue Book Cover

Wealth by Virtue: a Book by Chad Gordon

Not long ago, I accepted an offer from a publisher to receive an advanced copy of Wealth by Virtue. Being a money nerd, I said yes, given that it came with a “no expectations and pester-free guarantee.” Even if the book turns out to be a dud, it could still …

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Becoming Financially Independent

How She Finally Became Financially Independent

Financial independence feels like a dream everyone strives to achieve. I got sick of longing for it and decided to commit myself to doing something about it. The first few years were really hard, but I knew what I was working towards. By toughing it out then, I knew it wouldn’t be so tough now. I would be able to put it behind me.

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America's Richest Immigrant in 2018
American dream

Here are America’s Richest Immigrants in 2018

Forbes recently released its Richest People On The Planet list for 2018. I figured it would be interesting to determine who, among the 575 American billionaires, are immigrants like me. I’ve patiently and painstakingly gone through the list to figure out which ones emigrated from other countries based on the …

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Vintage Computing: Trash to Treasure
Side Hustle

Vintage Computing: Turning Trash into Treasure

Ever since I was able to resell a “vintage” typewriter for a profit, my wife and I have been propelled to look for other potentially valuable items. We went as far as driving around garage sales of wealthy neighborhoods hoping to find a “hidden gem”: a 19th-century necklace, an oil …

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Financial Planning

Saving for Retirement or Paying Off Debts: The Dilemma

Whether to prioritize a retirement saving or pay off debt is a vital question to assess for people who are in debt. Some people think that paying off debt first makes sense. But what about the retirement? If you don’t save for your retirement, you may have to work for a longer time than an average retirement age.The dilemma is genuine.

On the other hand, the conventional wisdom says that people should start saving money for their retirement before paying off debts. Because, the sooner you start saving, the more time your money will get to grow.

If you have multiple debts with a higher interest rate, then the debts are costing you more money every day. Because it is a matter of assessing the interest rate that you are accumulating. You are actually losing money by paying the interest rate on the debts. You have to take initiative to pay them off to save money on the painful interest rate.

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