Fully Fund College Using 529s
Saving for college

From Diapers to Diplomas: Tips on How to Fully Fund College Using 529s

As a parent of a recent high school graduate, discarding junk mail from overpriced colleges and universities across the country has become my new hobby. These institutions relentlessly compete for my hard-earned dollars—or rather, dollars they expect my daughter to borrow from opportunistic lenders who seek an unfair slice of …

Top Millionaire Careers in America

Top Careers That Could Make You a Millionaire (and tips on how to maximize ROI)

Here’s a list of top careers where you could sock away a million by the time you retire— many of them don’t even require advanced degrees!


Why You Should Save for Your Kids’ College Education

One of the financial concerns of every couple is saving for their kid’s college education. Some end up making excuses why they shouldn’t, among them: You cannot borrow for retirement, but you can borrow for college. It promotes responsibility– they’ll work harder academically. I don’t have much money left after …

Stupid money mistakes my neighbors make (Part 1: Private Schools)

Stupid Money Mistakes my Smart Neighbors Make (Part I: Private Schools)

One of my goals in writing this blog is to help you become smarter with money. You’d think it’s just common sense. But as it turns out, common sense is not so common.  Otherwise, people wouldn’t buy things they can’t afford. They wouldn’t smoke cigarettes or eat junk food either. …

LinkedIn to Millionairedom

LinkedIn to Millionairedom

When you hear someone asking “Why are so many college dropouts successful in their life?” Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg probably all come into your mind. The problem is that the question makes an erroneous assumption that there are “many” of them. The not-so-obvious truth for many is that these extremely successful dropouts are just drops in the ocean. No pun intended.
The majority of people who didn’t bother to acquire any marketable skill, let alone a college degree ended up in lower paying, dead-end jobs. Not to belittle people who actually work their butts off in low skilled jobs, but that’s the sad reality.
Of course, anything is possible in America. It’s just that being complacent with your education may ruin your chances of getting ahead. In this game we call life, investing in yourself is enormously important to improve your odds of winning.
The traditional advice that your grandma gave you: earn good grades, finish college, get a high paying job, and save for the rainy day, is still the best strategy for most people in any economy. Your heeding to the advice could spell the difference between earning a great income or settling for a minimum-wage. When you hear someone asking “Why are so many college dropouts successful in their life?” Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg probably all come into your mind. The problem is that the question makes an erroneous assumption that there are “many” of them. The not-so-obvious truth for many is that these extremely successful dropouts are just drops in the ocean. No pun intended.
The majority of people who didn’t bother to acquire any marketable skill, let alone a college degree ended up in lower paying, dead-end jobs. Not to belittle people who actually work their butts off in low skilled jobs, but that’s the sad reality.
Of course, anything is possible in America. It’s just that being complacent with your education may ruin your chances of getting ahead. In this game we call life, investing in yourself is enormously important to improve your odds of winning.